Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thought of the Day: Finding Ourselves

The world tells us we must find ourselves, as if the self was something that could ever not be found. Never once have I woken up only to wonder where my self could be. It is always right here with me. My likes and dislikes, my taste in music, my intolerance for caffeine, my love for a brownie with cream cheese, my talent for drawing, my inability to dance, my failures and triumphs, these things never leave me. Should I ever forget myself I could just look around me and see the evidence of myself everywhere. In the piled-up laundry, or the photos arranged neatly on the mantle, or even in the half eaten piece of toast, my self and my being is in all of it.

When I feel lost, confused, and wondering what the meaning of this life is, it's not my self that I am missing. It is my God. We should seek rather to lose ourselves, so that when all our selfishness is gone, we will see Christ in us. Once we strip away all the layers of self, we will find our core... Christ within us. 

When life is hard and we are dissatisfied, alone, angry, fearful, or disillusioned with this world, we should not be looking to find our selves- we should be running far from them, and into the arms of our Father. Let us pray for Christ to hide us in His wounds so that, living within Him, we will become like Him. 

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